What’s New with Nailcon?

Hey #Nailconbabes! As amazing as this year already feels, I’m sure you have a lot of questions about what to expect from Nailcon, and don’t worry we have all the answers you need. You’ve probably noticed the changes around here starting with the website, (we’d love your honest feedback, so please comment below). We hope […]

New Nailcon, New Year

With our 3 year anniversary around the corner, we felt it was time for a bit of a “facelift”. During this three year period we’ve learned so much. We’ve stumbled. We’ve failed. We’ve gone back to the drawing board a few times, but regardless we knew it was not an option to give up!  Nailcon […]

Nail Wellness In A Pandemic

If you would have told us a year ago that we’d still be in a pandemic as we approach the one year anniversary of the infamous NYC Lockdown, we wouldn’t have believed you. America isn’t back to normal, nor do we think it ever will be. Containment doesn’t look like a future goal here and […]