8 Essentials for a DIY Mani – Pedi Kit
Manicures and pedicures are essential parts of nail grooming. Our feet don’t rest so it’s important to take care of them. Doing this regularly can bring great benefits to your overall health and well-being and keeps your nails looking fresh and young. It can be hard to keep up maintaining salon appointments regularly especially if […]
10 Common Mistakes to Avoid when Getting Acrylic Nails
You may have heard some horror stories from friends about getting acrylic nails, which are one of the most popular nail treatments today. It’s common for people to experience a few side effects with acrylic nails, but there is no need to worry! With the right knowledge and professional advice, you can avoid many of […]
Top 10 Tips to keep your Nails Healthy and Beautiful
The journey to achieving healthy and beautiful nails is long and often times mired with frustration but the end result is worth it all. You must be wondering, now that my nails are finally on track what happens? Well, sweetheart, that’s what I’m here for. Let’s dive straight into what we have for today. 10 […]