Getting and Maintaining the Body you Want in 2022
We Hope 2022 has been off to a great start for you! This year promises to be an exciting one for all of us. Many of us have made different new year resolutions at the beginning of the year. Some of us said we were going to exercise every day, some decided that they were […]
New Nailcon, New Year
With our 3 year anniversary around the corner, we felt it was time for a bit of a “facelift”. During this three year period we’ve learned so much. We’ve stumbled. We’ve failed. We’ve gone back to the drawing board a few times, but regardless we knew it was not an option to give up! Nailcon […]
New Year, New You
“New Year, New Me”, the cliche phrase that is praised every year, as people create resolutions lists and ways to do and be better in the new year. Change derives from growth and every year, we subconsciously make these lists to better ourselves physically, mentally, and even spiritually. For the beauty girls, this change can […]